Pink Bow

Clearing out inventory sale

I will be listing some items today to clear out my inventory. Some of these items are items that were used in the photo shoot but are still in new condition. Others are items that I made once and didn't want to have to make again :) and others are just items that didn't make the photo shoot so never got listed. The rules of the sale are as follows. The first person to leave their paypal email on a comment will get an invoice sent to them. I understand that you may not want to leave your email in a public place. If that is the case you can email it to me at I will send the invoice to the first email I get. I will delete all comments with email addresses as soon as the invoice is paid. If the invoice is not paid within 1 hour I will cancel the invoice and send it to the next email on the list. If you are unable to pay until later today please email me. Thank you all!!! xoxo Melissa